Saturday, June 20, 2015

5 Myths of Aerobic Exercise Exposed

Today I want to expose the myths and misconceptions commonly held about the relationship between aerobic exercise and weight control. With knowledge comes power. The power to develop a new, fun healthy lifestyle. If you have more myths to add please do so in the comments section.

Myth 1: Aerobic exercise is any exercise that you need to effectively manage your weight
The truth: "A conventional aerobic exercise program with a restricted calorie diet makes little (or nothing) to help preserve lean body mass during their weight loss efforts" That means your lean body mass, a. lower level, the higher your resting metabolic rate is.

The result: You are more likely to recover some or all of the weight loss.
The solution: Develop a plan that is designed to improve your level of muscular fitness and weight loss. Combining both significantly increase the likelihood that you will maintain your lean body mass.

Myth # 2: The more you sweat during exercise, lost more body fat
Truth: If you exercise extreme heat, humidity, or "rubber" clothing, you will sweat like crazy and lose weight. However, to replenish body fluids by eating and / or drinking, returning the lost pounds quickly.

The result: This is a dangerous myth that a person can lead to heat injury. By exercising in rubber or exercise clothing in extreme heat can not safely control its (core) internal temperature.

The solution: If you want / need to carry with a rubber suit or heat or extreme humidity, weigh yourself before you begin. Immediately after finishing your exercise weight yourself again. For every pound lost during exercise, make sure you drink 16 ounces of water in one hour.

Myth # 3: You can burn fat from specific areas of the body through the exercise of these regions
The truth: No matter what anyone says or wants to believe, the phenomenon of "spot reduction" has absolutely no factual basis. During the exercise, the energy used is produced by the metabolism of fat in all parts of the body.

Myth 4: The muscles will turn to fat when you stop exercising regularly
Truth: Muscle can not turn into fat. Muscle and fat are two separate and distinct tissue. They do not have the physical ability to move from one tissue to another. Muscles have a unique property. "Use it or lose." If you do not use your muscle literally wasting away.

Myth # 5: It is extremely difficult to lose weight
Truth: For a period of time, statistics show that a quarter of all men and half of all women are dieting to lose weight. Most of these people lose weight.

 Losing weight is not the hard part. The challenge is to maintain weight. 75% to 90% of all dieters "" who lose weight can hope to regain all the weight they have lost three years in a "supplement" your diet.

The solution: stop "regime" and choose to live a healthy life. Any good fitness program should help transform your life in a fun new healthy lifestyle. Take charge of your life and decide what exercises you enjoy doing. If you hate doing x then try. Find what works for you.

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