Friday, July 24, 2015

Exercise For a Longer and Healthier Life

Exercise For a Longer and Healthier Life

"An object in motion stays in motion" is not only true in physics, but it is true with our bodies as well. We need to "use it or lose it."

Exercise is a virtual part of staying healthy and happy. The old saying "no pain, no gain" is not a requirement for all exercise programs. Exercise is supposed to be fun, and if you can keep it that way you have a much better chance of succeeding with your exercise program. It's a way to stay active and energize your body for long term health. Exercise is not on the disk. Almost anyone can start any type of exercise program, what what your fitness level is.

Exercise can improve your physical and mental health. With regular exercise, you will feel less stress and have energy to be more productive.

Some of the benefits of exercise are:

It helps to prevent heart attacks
Number of lower levels of cholesterol
Improved lung capacity
Low voltage
More energy
and many more ...

"What program should start exercising?" That's a question you can ask. Take a minute to talk about three types of exercises you might want to try. are:

Cross training
of strength training exercises
Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise has enormous health benefits. It helps your body to use oxygen more efficiently to the heart, lungs and muscles can become stronger and healthier. It helps to tone your body, increase your strength while helping you burn more calories.

By doing aerobic exercise, it is best to use the large muscles of the legs and buttocks and make sure that you exercise for at least 15 consecutive minutes to get the full benefit. Some large aerobics are types of fast walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, skiing and aerobics.

Cross training

Cross training is a great way to help achieve a new fitness level. Cross training is another exercise when included in their normal training routine. If you are a runner, cycling. If you are a swimmer, try to do some walking and vice versa. Start doing cross training and soon you will see the very impressive results.

Strengthening exercises

Strengthening exercises to work specific muscle groups by repeated contractions of a muscle to the point of fatigue. Some of these exercises are to test crunches, push-ups, chin and weight training.

Before exercising

Before exercise should always stretch. Stretch before (and after) your workout will help prevent injuries and pain and also help increase flexibility.Make sure you have a water bottle with you. Drink plenty of water while you are exercising. You must keep your body replenished to avoid dehydration. Signs of dehydration are headaches, dizziness and fatigue.

Track your progress

It is very important to monitor your exercise and workout regiment. He is a great motivator to see the progress you make and lets you set new goals. Keep daily exercise goal.

Now let's get out there and get healthy!

for more informations about  Fitness and exercise, visit my blog :

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