Monday, August 24, 2015

Intense Fat Burning Exercise - And it is Not Aerobic

Intense Fat Burning Exercise

The more intense exercise burns fat, it is not what you expect it to be. It is not an aerobic exercise like running or biking, but resistance training, better known as weightlifting. And the concept is simple. Aerobic exercises work for the moment, but weightlifting transforms your body into a fat burning machine so you burn fat even when you sleep.

 If you are like most people, you dread the idea of ​​lifting weights. But to be truly successful, you really have no choice. And to get you to do the right thing, jump on the train, get with the program, I will explain a method of lifting that combines strength training and aerobics for the best of both worlds, making the most effective fat burning the intense exercise.

And you can be a little skeptical about lifting weights for many different reasons, one of them the risk of injury. And their concerns are well founded. I got up in weight for over 20 years and have had a variety of painful injuries that prevented me not only exercise, but had a negative effect on my health. Then a few years ago, I was introduced to this intense fat burning exercise, the training of the whole body, and I have not had one since injured.

As difficult as it may sound, this intense fat burning exercise, the whole body workout can be done by anyone. You just start slowly and work your way up. It is just as it sounds, you work every muscle group in your body during the same period. But what separates this from other weightlifting programs is that you do one exercise per body part. The body parts are in the back of your arms (triceps), the front of your arms (biceps), the back (dorsal), your chest (pecs), shoulders, thighs and calves.

Perform one exercise per body group and makes it four times, with repetitions between 8 and 15, depending on their objectives. Eight would be more to the strength and size of the building, while 15 would reaffirm and burn fat. An exercise on a body part, rest 30 seconds and repeat. To do this, four times for this specific part of the body and then to the next area, taking only 30 to 45 seconds before starting on the new body.

If you're like me, you can not make the entire program at one time or another due to lack of time or energy, you can split into upper body and lower body. Make your upper body one day, lower body and abs the next, returning to his upper body the next day and so on. It is recommended that you take every six weeks away from doing this intense fat burning exercise to allow your body to rest.

One of the reasons why you feel this is the best fat burning exercise is intense because the pace of the exercises. You do not take much time to rest between exercises, so that your heart rate and breathing is high. In fact, it is the combination of an aerobic workout with not only build resistance training and firm muscles, but burning calories and fat at the same time.

Do not get caught in the amount of weight you lift. Because you'll be operating at a faster pace and therefore does not rest in the middle, you will not have the energy to lift heavier amounts.That not matter. One of the reasons we have not had an injury since I started this program is that I did not raise the greatest weight. But with this intense fat burning exercise, I increased my size and body fat decreased. In fact, I am stronger than it was before.

But the biggest advantage of doing this intense fat burning exercise is that your body is in a constant state of reconstruction. For that burden themselves with a body part once or twice a week, your muscles will only rebuild for the day or two after your workout. With this intense fat burning exercise, the whole body workout, your body is constantly in a state of reconstruction.

So when you consider that the fat is the best exercise intense burning for you, try the whole body workout. I think it'll be very happy with the results.

for more informations about  Fitness and exercise, visit my blog :

Exercise Tips to Help Lower High Blood Pressure

Exercise and High Blood Pressure

We can reduce blood pressure almost immediately by taking adequate exercise. We continue to reap the fruits of our efforts for almost the next 24 hours; but as time passes the benefit is reduced. Therefore, it is important that we take daily exercise if we want to reduce our hypertension. So what is the best form of exercise for us who are not in the first wave of young hypertensive?

What is the best exercise to lower blood pressure?

Very few things in life are simple and the same is true for the exercise to lower blood pressure. There is no magic solution to perform which will give us the result we want; it uses a combination of exercises that will lead us to our goal.

We must use a combination of these forms of exercise:

1. Stretching: We stretch our upper and lower body before and after exercise because it helps prepare our muscles for activity and helps prevent injury. Stretching also increases range of motion and flexibility in the muscles and joints.

2. Aerobic exercise: This form of exercise strengthens the heart and lungs. Aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, biking, skiing, rowing, skating, jump (jump rope) and swimming. We could add the stairs instead of the elevator to this list!

3. Endurance exercises: This form of exercise allows muscles to contract and then expanded by weightlifting. No need to purchase any special equipment or join a gym. We can start by using cans of our closets or sugar groceries or flower

How long we should exercise for at lowering high blood pressure?

To make the best, we must do aerobic exercise for at least half an hour every day. If we are not as good as we would like, we have to start with a mild routine and build our fitness level, until we comfortable exercise for half an hour. By doing this, we remain almost continuously reduced pressure.

We try to build our aerobic exercise into our daily routine. For example, taking the stairs at work, not in the lift; We can walk to the corner shop to buy our daily lives, do not drive.

What should we include in our workout routine?

Our workouts should include a heating phase, a conditioning phase and a cooling phase.

Warming: This allows our body adapt to stress and rest, reducing the risk of injury. Our warm-up should include light stretching, moving a series of activities, such as arm circles and the start of the conditioning activity at a low level of intensity.

Packaging: After heating, the conditioning phase is where we put in most of our energy. We must do aerobic exercises and resistance. The individual benefits for the year we aim to burn calories and to perform an immediate reduction in our blood pressure. A word of warning! As tempting as it is, we should avoid exercising too hard too soon. The benefits are cumulative so you should treat it as a marathon, not a sprint!

Cooling: This is the last phase of our training. The cooling allows our body to recover from the conditioning phase. Our heart rate and blood pressure should return to normal in a few minutes. Cooling does not mean sitting immediate movement or other activity to inactivity. This can make you feel dizzy. The best way to cool slowly to reduce the intensity of our business.

No need to overcomplicate our routine. Taking simple exercise like walking, climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator or bike to work, it can be incorporated into our daily lives. Without realizing it, we'll lowering high blood pressure.

for more informations about  Fitness and exercise, visit my blog :

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Exercise Programs For Fat Loss

Exercise Programs For Fat Loss

If you want to lose weight, just to get the general scheme does not do the trick. On top of that, you also need to be active to burn fat from your body. If you know how to incorporate exercise with your daily activities, you will find that it will not take much of your time at all.

 For example, you can walk to work every day and help you with your weight loss efforts. If you do regular exercise, your body will gain muscle and you look slim and fit. Because fat usually accumulates in muscles, once gone, natural muscle appears. To help you lose weight faster, try these exercise programs for fat loss.

There are two main types of exercise programs for fat loss: aerobic exercise and muscle building. Before choosing one of these exercises, you should know in advance how much of each you want. This information can be obtained by participating in a training program for fat loss in your local gym. Good gym training program usually fat loss that will provide professional instruction on how to lose weight and build muscle.

In a fat loss exercise program, aerobic exercise is actually one of the most popular. Activities included in this type of exercise is cycling, walking, swimming and running. These are simple activities that you can pick up and do when you have time. While you can easily basic aerobics, older requires you to have strong resistance to one. 

 By notice of aerobic exercise, your heart is guaranteed to start the competition and breathes heavily. We know what makes it easier for you over time. These exercises are a sure way to burn fat because they use a lot of muscles in your body. However, you must not be afraid to exhaust them because they will not put too much pressure on any muscle.

Some people, however, enjoy a good fitness exercise. Although not as effective as aerobic exercise, these exercises will give better and stronger muscles. Unlike aerobic exercise, you will need to use equipment found in gyms for muscle building exercises.

Whatever exercise you decide to do for your fat loss program, make sure you do it regularly. Try to get a good idea of ​​him and you are likely to enjoy doing and make it a part of their daily activities.

for more informations about  Fitness and exercise, visit my blog :